Welcome to our blog! Taryn's an old pro based on her practice blogging in India, and Kraemer has had to report on his ridiculous amount of world traveling to so many friends and family that blogging is really just second nature. No, but really, we do hope you find an entry or two entertaining. Otherwise, this is just our way to let our parents know that we're still alive and kicking, even on the continent of Africa.

As a disclaimer, though this is written in tandem, please recognize that some things would only come out of Kraemer's mouth. :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


As for what I do here, I work with chicken. I guess after working with Louis Dreyfus it makes sense that I'd come full circle and work with chickens again. Instead of a giant conglomerate like Tyson or Pilgrim's-Pride I work with the small guys. Most big farmers don't grow all of the chickens themselves. They sell chicks and feed to small farmers, the farmers raise the chicks, and then they sell them back to the big guys for slaughtering and packaging. So I work with the small guys and a few of the big consolidators to improve the competitiveness of the sector as a whole.

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